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The purpose of IMTU Alumni shall be to further the well-being of the college and its graduates by increasing interest in the college. We seek to promote and encourage close relationships among the students, faculty, administration, parents, graduates, former students and the local community by:

  • Acting as advocates for Alumni interests with the college
  • Fostering the development of local and regional chapters to promote and support the association’s and college’s activities
  • Fostering academic scholarship


  • Increase connections with our alumni as demonstrated by a percentage increase of alumni contacts and engagement as documented and calculated on an annual basis;
  • Increase lasting relationships with our alumni to enhance the College, demonstrated by a percentage increase in alumni donating time, talent and financial resources annually; and
  • Obtain financial solvency as demonstrated by maintaining a balanced budget with our revenue streams.
How to join: To join in IMTU Alumni is in easy steps ahead fill the form and register right now. Register Now